Events & Training
Events & Training
ZAPOA creates substantial networking opportunities through events such as the Convention, Networking evenings, Seminars and Workshops.
The Annual ZAPOA International Convention and Property Exhibition will be one of Zambia’s leading events for the property industry. A place to be seen, do business, learn and network. This powerful and effective marketing forum will offer various opportunities to convey marketing messages to the people who drive our industry.
ZAPOA intends to partner with universities including the Copperbelt University, Lusaka University, Kenneth Kaunda Metropolitan University, National Council for Construction (NCC).
ZAPOA will run several basic to high level education courses ranging from three days to one-year certificate programmes. The courses are offered countrywide, making them easily accessible to the property industry.
Previous Events

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Download our 2022 Member Application form and apply to become a ZAPOA member.